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Youth Drop In

30 May 2026 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, repeating until 31 July 2024

An event every week that begins at 1:00 pm on Saturday, repeating until 5 August 2026

General drop in the evenings provide a safe and fun space for young people in Luton.  We offer a range of activities including; pool, gaming consoles, table tennis, wall climbing sessions, open mic night, cooking sessions, IT suite for use, film nights and art/craft activities.  All sessions are run by experienced youth workers and volunteers who support and participate in all activities with the young people.

Youth Drop In sessions run every Wednesday 5pm – 7pm and Saturdays 1pm – 4pm

We also offer additional activities during sessions where we have outside agencies join us for mini workshops raising awareness and harm reduction information including drug and alcohol workers; Coppafeel (breast cancer awareness for young people); white ribbon campaign (Domestic Abuse); wellbeing sessions and Hate Crime awareness to name a few.


30 May 2026
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


TOKKO Youth Hub
7 Gordon Street
Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2QP United Kingdom
+ Google Map
01582 544990